
I remember when I actually had to skate to skate spots, before any of my friends and I were old enough to drive, before smart phones, before Instagram, before bills, before responsibilities, before nothing else even mattered. We didn't skate so we could post about it, we skated because we love it. Growing up, I was lucky enough to have a pretty rad crew to skate with, we called ourselves Girls Club. 

Skateboarding has taught me so much in life, how to challenge myself, how to fall hard and get back up, and most of all, it has taught me never to stop doing what makes me happy. A bank, curb or open lot will always be the most simple, yet most fun session, ever. And for that, I am forever grateful.

I am very fortunate to have grown up with 3 brothers and a neighborhood full of boys, so skating with guys has always been normal for me. Of course I skated with Girls Club, but we always skated with our guy friends too so it was just the usual, I've never questioned it. As I got older, I realized how common it is for girls to feel intimidated by male dominate things like skateboarding or snowboarding and as a result, they just don't do any of it.

Girls Club has grown to so much more than it was in the beginning. It has become a way to show women and girls of all ages that they should never be held back from chasing their passions. It is here to inspire, motivate and grow our skate scene. Girls Club is an outlet for ANYONE, not only girls, to pursue whatever it is they want to do. Girls Club is not for fashion or for likes, it's real. It's helping others, pushing each other, motivating each other and most of all, it's fun. The skateboarding community is truly amazing. Once you get a sense of that, you have family and friends forever. We want other girls to experience that too, that is why Girls Club exists. 


Original Girls Club: Jen, Ashley, Jocelyn, Jessie and Ali (not all pictured)

OG Girls Club GC at Eggs